Join the adventure of a young girl, hungry for a late night snack, as she wanders to her mom's kitchen and finds a shocking surprise. Stumbling upon a pack of coyotes making scrumptious meals and a terrific mess, Almarinda and her dog Andy decide to join the fun - at least for a little while. A rhythmic, rollicking adventure for children of all ages.
Norman is a rambunctious rooster who's a bit of a bully with one job on his mind.  When Almarinda and Andy try to do their job a ruckus takes place. They need some help! Who can help them? Join as they embark on a youthfully spirited adventure.  ram·bunc·tious [ram búngkshəss] adj. unruly: noisy, very active, and hard to control, usually as a result of excitement or youthful energy (informal).
You have arrived and we are so glad you've chosen to join the adventure. Coyotes in the Kitchen is a wildly popular children's book written by Early Childhood Professional, Kathleen S. Kennedy. The dazzling images that bring this rhythmic and rollicking adventure story to life, were created by Colorado artist, Bobbi Manning.
A tale that invokes joy and laughter in children young and old alike and destined to be an instant classic, Coyotes in the Kitchen is the first book in the Almarinda and Andy Adventure series.
Author Kathleen S. Kennedy and Bobbi Manning are the sole creators of the Almarinda and Andy Adventures.
They have taken a Child's imagination and turned it into an exciting adventure children of all ages can enjoy.
Learn more about the Author and Illustrator of Coyotes in the Kitchen and Norman Attacks right here!